CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo)
June 11-12, 2016
The Center on Halsted
3656 N Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60613
Though the tragic events in Orlando could be heard being discussed in the aisles at this year’s event, there was a sense of victory felt throughout the expo. Once again, CAKE offered a broad roster of cartooning talent from across the country (and abroad) at the city’s LGBT community center. Since moving from the Center for Books and Paper Arts at Columbia College Chicago the event has grown into that comfortable place where one can see the broadest of range and innovation occurring in the fringes of the medium. Simply put, CAKE is 2nd to none when it comes to sharing a love for surrogate approaches in illustrative storytelling as applied to multifarious experimental formats in sequential art practice.

CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016
One of this year’s featured discussions focused upon an informal conversation between Chester Brown, author of early indie cult classic “Ed The Happy Clown”, and Sammy Harkham, editor of “Kramers Ergot”. These two pillars in the alternative comics community procured insightful dialogue while outlining the trajectory of Brown’s unusually profound career and life (Brown has ran twice for a seat upon the Canadian Parliament as a Libertarian). This past April, Brown released “Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus”, a graphic novel containing adaptations of certain biblical stories about prostitution and religious obedience. Also recently, Harkam published “Kramers Ergot 9” with work by Anya Davidson, Michael Deforge, Abraham Diaz, Stefan Marx, Leon Sadler, Julia Gfrörer, Adam Buttrick, Kim Deitch, Ben Jones, Andy Burkholder, Antony Huchette, and a whole mess more. Both publication are certainly worth picking up and can be found online:
“Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus” –
“Kramers Ergot 9” –

Sammy Harkham, cartoonist & editor of Kramers Ergot, CAKE
(Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016

Cartoonist Chester Brown, CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016
One of the joys of this type of event is the opportunity to meet the artists of the books you love to read. Like the monolithic mainstream comic cons, CAKE offered a casual setting to discuss past, present and future efforts via face-to-face dialogue. These exchanges establish a bit more investment in one’s relationship to the passion attached to comic collecting. This year I caught up with some old friends (Anya Davidson, Alan Drew Caesar, Lane Milburn, and Onsmith – where was Paul Nudd?) and made new acquaintances (John Pham, Locust Moon Comics) who’ve been doing some rather fantastic projects.
Here’s a quick summary:
I’m always fascinated with the curious yarns that Anya Davidson weaves. Fantagraphics will release Davidson’s “Band for Life” in September. Mark your calendar for this will be an instant classic for comic and music fans!
Anya Davidson –
Lane Milburn offered up the recently completed “Broken Panels”. This heady work demonstrates the continued evolution of a cartoonist who brought us the ambitious book “Twelve Gems”.
Lane Milburn –
Alan Drew Caesar is just way…way out there and the epic journey of Rena Rouge illustrates the mindset and aesthetic of a dense work in the spirit of the art of Gary Panter. Caesar’s meticulously assembled books are of the highest quality and a must have for the serious comics collector.
Alan Drew Caesar –
LA cartoonist John Pham’s Epoxy series provided a whimsical balance to the omnipresent punk feel to much of the comics on view.
John Pham –
Philadelphia’s Locust Moon Comics offered an abridged versions of the stellar “Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream”. This oversized artbook won 2 Eisner’s and a Harvey Award in 2015 and presents 118 strips that look at the McCay classic by industry notables, including Paul Pope, J.H. Williams III, Bill Sienkiewicz, David Mack, Carla Speed McNeil, Charles Vess, Peter Bagge, Dean Haspiel, Farel Dalrymple, Marc Hempel, Nate Powell, P. Craig Russell, Jeremy Bastian, Jim Rugg, Ron Wimberly, Scott Morse, David Petersen, J.G. Jones, Mike Allred, Dean Motter, Yuko Shimizu, Roger Langridge, Craig Thompson, and Mark Buckingham.
Locust Moon Comics –

Inked Pages & Comix by Lane Milburn, CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016
Once again, I departed CAKE a bit lighter in the wallet, but with a satchel full of treasures. If you’ve not checked out this comics expo, I recommend highly attending the 2017 installment. You will be met with curious surprise in a friendly and welcoming setting that provides the most diverse community creating comics worthy of a 2nd read.
Additional images from CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) 2016:

CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016

CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016

CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016

CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo), Chicago, IL, 2016
For additional information on CAKE, please visit:
CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) –
Review and photos by Chester Alamo-Costello