C2E2 2020
McCormick Place
2301 S King Dr, Chicago, IL 60616
February 28 through March 1, 2020
There was an unusually healthy atmosphere experienced at this year’s iteration of C2E2. 10+ years is epic in this industry. Sadly, cons are in a place where over saturation meets shifting interests. The industry is fluid and consistently changing, to survive organizations must be hyper-responsive and thoughtful when organizing an event that is tied to our ever changing pop culture tastes. Though comics sellers were not absent, there was an increase in video and board gaming experiences. The increased presence of fantasy RPGs could be widely felt. The Witcher, Geralt, was the most seen cosplay character on the show floor. Once again, casual passerby had an opportunity to meet and purchase quality works a range of artists, including local talents: Mike Norton, Gene Ha, Christopher Mitten, Ryan Browne, Tim Seeley, and others. The range of artist talks and panels was a bit lackluster, but I found the conversation with Joe Hill, author of “Heart Shaped Box”, 2009, and ” Locke & Key”, 2008, to be most amusing. Joe is a candid and oddly talented storyteller who understands how to draw the crowd in while simultaneously making them feel uncomfortable. Simply put, this was one of the more memorable cons I have been to in a couple years. I hope this trend continues in 2021. So, in ending, here’s some pics to hopefully entice you to return or come for a first visit next year !

Chicago, Illinois, 2020

Chicago, Illinois, 2020

For additional information on C2E2 and related items, please visit:
C2E2 – https://www.c2e2.com/
Challengers Comics –
Chicago Comics –
Dice Dojo –
Gene Ha Comics – http://geneha.com/
Christopher Mitten –
Mike Norton on Twitter –
Photographs and writing by Chester Alamo-Costello