The University of St. Francis Art & Design department hosted their annual High School Art Competition over the course of the past month. The reception, which was located at the City Center campus and gallery in downtown Joliet, was held on January 18, 2014. The show was successful, due to the involvement of about ten schools and over 200 submissions. Scholarship opportunities and cash prizes were awarded to the following winners:
1st Place
Brianna Rose
It’s Almost December
Lincoln Way West High School
2nd Place
Tyler Pletsch
The Path of Life is Not Straight
Morris Community High School
3rd Place
Paige Payne
Lincoln Way Central High School
Peyton Lembas
Future Reflections
Plainfield Central High School
Jessi Karlic
Locked Lock
Lincoln Way West High School
Kailee Hogan
Make a Wish!
Neuqua Valley High School
Felicia Soto
Cubism Horse
Plainfield South High School
Marguerite Ernst
Prairie Winds
Joliet Catholic Academy
Arianna Garcia
Tugging on My Heart Strings
Reed Custer High School
Dylan Elvis Wallace
The Alpha Male
Wilmington High School
Valeria Ortega
Bolingbrook High School
Melissa Moore
Coal City High School