Modern Advertising

Frontline Flea and Tick Spray Ad

Due to the oversaturation of advertising material fighting for our progressively fleeting attention spans, we have developed a subconscious filter that selectively isolates the alluring visuals from the mundane. This is where effective design and creativity come into play. To breach through our subconscious barrier an ad needs to be fundamentally sound in the basic principles and elements of design in order to visually communicate with its intended audience successfully. Emphasizing certain elements within the composition and finding innovative ways to get your message across can enhance the chances that the ad does not go unnoticed.

Saatchi & Saatchi, an advertising agency located in Jakarta, Indonesia, managed to create a visually engaging ad for Frontline flea and tick spray by manipulating the scale, perspective and adding a sense of dynamic movement to the final product by having people interact with the ad itself. At 2745 square feet, the giant ad covers the ground floor of a multi-story shopping mall. Because the image has been scaled at a significantly larger size than normal, the message is realized only when viewed from a higher perspective from the floors above. The ad shows an image of a dog agitatedly trying to fight off the fleas and ticks off his golden brown fur. The fleas and ticks are represented by moving shoppers as they walk across the surface of the image. By placing the ad on the floor, the mobile shoppers incorporate a dynamic third dimension in the form of movement to the final product, allowing them to engage and freely interact with the ad to bring the message to life.

Viewed from a higher perspective the message becomes self-evident as the constant waves of shoppers enter and exit the frame. This allows the viewer to immediately comprehend the intended message, “Get them off your dog”. The copy, followed by the brand logo is strategically aligned to the right of the frame to guide the viewer’s eye from the main subject towards the product that the ad is promoting. Considering the constant activity of the shoppers, the simplicity of the copy and the negative space surrounding the dog not only adds a sense of balance to the composition but it enhances the message by giving the eye a place to rest and escape from the relentless swarming fleas and ticks.

Author: Egzon Shaqiri
Major: Art & Design
Concentration: Graphic Design and Digital Photography

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