Milo Christie – Retroreflective Pseudo Volumetric

One of the most remarkable times to make art is in youth. An undefinable raw freedom and fluid yet erratic approach can give rise to something unknown, potentially something the audience (and artist) struggles to identify by name. In the seemingly disjointed visual vocabulary of Milo Christie there appears ... Read more

Millicent Kennedy – Ephemera, Labor & Stories About People

In youth, during summers, Millicent Kennedy would travel north from Mississippi to study drawing and painting at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She fell in love with the city, and now calls it home after studies at regional universities. Currently, Kennedy is the Curator of Exhibitions ... Read more

Sam Jaffe – Pattern-Based Dizzying Effect

For over a decade Sam Jaffe has been producing visually sensuous artworks that track contemporary colour representation via fashion and popular culture. Jaffe's process is a combination of tracking mainstream usage of colour, recycling of materials, and spontaneity. The completed works often play with one's vision to dizzying effect ... Read more

Kelly Reaves – Intuition, Meditation & Exorcising Demons

As a talented painter, musician, and writer, Kelly Reaves has traversed a variety of creative fringe microcosms since arriving in Chicago from Florida in the early 2000s. In her portrayal of moments of intense ecstasy to an intimate embrace there has been a consistent adept fluidity in her ... Read more

Miguel Cortez – Recurring Abstract Themes: Tactile & Virtual

At this point in my career I have become interested in revisiting artist's studios and musician's practice spaces. Reflection, persistence, rejuvenation, and change-in-focus, tend to be recurring threads in these encounters. This week, the COMP Magazine took the Pink line down to Marshall Square (Little Village) to do a ... Read more

Steven Carrelli – Complexity in Our Visual Experience

One of the pleasures of visiting artist's studios in Chicago for the better part of 30 years is the ability to see how artists explore and work with a wide range of mediums and techniques. There have been new digital and sculptural technology introductions. There have been those who've ... Read more

Mia Capodilupo – Cast-off Objects & Relevant Randomness

There are few who can maintain a serious studio practice while supporting other area artists via directing an outlet for experimentation. This partitioned approach to one's profession is a lofty task. Here, there are curatorial, financial, and time commitments that can create setbacks for one's personal inquiry. Mia Capodilupo ... Read more

Elnaz Javani – Intersecting Craft, Ideas & Parietal Art Today

Elnaz Javani has located the importance of combining adept craft with art forms and storytelling that date back over a millennium. Though rooted in the past, Javani's practice addresses a range of contemporary ideas that are highly relevant today. This week The COMP Magazine visited Javani at her studio ... Read more

Zehra Khan – Meditative Masks, Curious Quilts & Engaging Travels

Zehra Khan exudes a graceful efficacious energy and an engagement with life rarely encountered. Her unique background coupled with an outlander sensibility can be seen clearly in the visual materials she produces. This week, The COMP Magazine headed up to Sheridan Park to discuss with Khan her recent artist ... Read more

Chester Alamo-Costello – A Two-Pronged Approach

In 2014 Chester Alamo-Costello started The COMP Magazine with a group of students (Egzon Shaqiri, Jessica Cuevas, Evan Griffin, and Jazzmyne Robbins) as a platform for covering new art and music in Chicagoland. In addition to functioning as the magazine’s publisher since inception, Chester has had an extensive career ... Read more
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