Iris Bernblum – Power and Play

Iris Bernblum investigates ideas of escape and release in a manner that reminds one of the playfulness of a young child who is simultaneously juggling constructs of normal and abnormal behavior. The Comp Magazine recently visited her studio to discuss the importance of play and why sometimes it's rather ... Read more

Olea Nova – Spontaneous Dialogue

Olea Nova works in a place that references art history and theory while investigating new materials and ideas that reflect her Russian heritage and a painterly sensibility that is remarkably relevant in this day of hyper-technology. The Comp Magazine recently visited Nova's Pilsen studio for a delightful dialogue about ... Read more

Paul Hopkin – The Slow Storyteller

Paul Hopkin established Slow (Gallery) in 2009 in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, as an alternative venue for presenting innovative new art by regional, national and international artists. The space is not quite an apartment gallery, nor commercial space. Hopkin presents artworks that can be seen as challenging ... Read more
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